A holistic approach to healing chronic pain and illness
Living with chronic pain or illness can be exhausting, not just because of the physical impact of the conditions themselves but also the mental and emotional toll it can take from managing daily symptoms and constantly trying to find a solution or cure.
By the time most of my clients arrive on my website or social media, they’ve already spent many months or even years searching for something that helps them feel better. Traditional medicine may have helped a bit or, in some cases, not at all, and they’ve often visited various medical specialists, each time hoping they will be able to offer a solution to their suffering.
It's not uncommon to hear “I’ve tried everything, but nothing works” or “I’ve made some progress, but I’m still stuck”. Sometimes it’s not even a physical pain or specific illness they’re suffering with but a general sense of unbalance and dysregulation, of feeling stuck and not knowing how to move forwards.
If that sounds familiar, then this blog is for you. We'll explore how alternative therapies and looking underneath the surface of your physical symptoms could help you with healing your chronic pain or illness.
Understanding chronic pain and illness
Chronic pain and illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and chronic fatigue are often symptoms of deeper, underlying issues from inner stress, stored trauma, or imbalances in the nervous system.
No symptom or pain is ever purely just physical, and while many people recognise there’s a connection between our body and mind (and our soul!), they’re often surprised by how many physical symptoms and challenges can be caused (or at least heightened) by underlying tension, anxiety, or even more deep-rooted emotional blocks and trauma.
Tuning into your body & mind
The journey to healing from chronic pain or illness begins with listening and nourishing all part of us – our body, emotions and mind. Often, we ignore the subtle messages our body sends us until it is too late, leading to an accumulation of stress and imbalance. If you’re feeling stuck and unsure where to start here are some steps you can take:
1. Become aware of patterns:
Take note of any daily habits that might contribute to your stress. Are you regularly staying up late? Checking your phone obsessively first thing in the morning? Tuning in to the unhealthy habits that may be increasing your stress levels and impacting on your nervous system is the first step to a solution.
2. Journal your thoughts:
Writing down your thoughts can help you identify negative patterns and beliefs that may be affecting your health. Getting things out of your head onto the page can be a really powerful tool for self-discovery and emotional release.
3. Connect with your body:
Practices like mindful walking, deep breathing, and meditation can help you tune into your body’s needs. They promote balance and relaxation, calming your nervous system, quietening your mind and allowing you to the space to pause.
4. Consider seeking support from a holistic wellness practitioner:
Sometimes, when chronic issues are deep-rooted, no amount of self-care or mindfulness practice will throw up the answers. Or you may identify underlying issues but be unsure of the next steps in tackling them. Getting an objective view and support by working with a therapist trained in techniques like Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) could help you take your next steps towards feeling better.
Identifying the root causes of chronic pain or illness
I use a variety of methods to help my clients get to the emotional roots of their issues and begin their journey of healing from chronic pain or illness.
During a session, I tap into tools like Mind Body Spirit Release, a practice that involves muscle testing to access the nervous system and subconscious mind, to reveal the often hidden stored emotional wounds, unhelpful mental patterns and trauma causing imbalance and stress.
We then release them together using a range of energy-balancing and body-based practices. This might include energy work, affirmations, or other holistic practices such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also known as tapping. It’s a holistic approach that considers the person as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual symptoms. And when we shift our internal stressors and world, we also shift our external world, creating more energy and space for true healing to unfold.
Client case study
Kate* came to me after suffering with digestive issues like bloating and IBS for years. Despite trying various physical treatments, she felt there was a deeper issue at play.
Through Mind Body Spirit Release TM sessions, we discovered that her digestive problems were linked to stress, worry and, most crucially, the belief that it wasn’t safe to feel her emotions. This belief stemmed from her childhood, where she was often told to suppress her feelings, literally “swallowing them down”.
By addressing these emotional roots, gently and safely releasing unprocessed emotions and reprogramming the unhelpful belief that it’s not safe to feel, she began to experience significant improvements. Her bloating reduced, and she felt more at ease in her body. This process didn’t happen overnight, but with consistent work, she started to digest not just her food better, but also her emotions and experiences. *Not her real name
If you can relate to anything in this blog and would like to find out more about how I could help you with your healing from chronic pain or illness you can book a free 30-minute connection call with me here.
Healing from chronic pain or illness using alternative therapies
Learn how alternative therapies like Mind Body Spirit Release and Tapping could help you heal from chronic pain or illness, as well as the things you can do at home right now to calm your nervous system.

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